
Harvard University

Summer 2023:

  • Mathematical Elements of Artificial Intelligence
  • Mathematical Modeling for Life Sciences

Spring 2023:

Fall 2022:

  • Math21a: Multivariable Calculus

Summer 2022:

  • Mathematical Elements of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. Course Repository

Spring 2022:

  • Math21b: Differential Equations

Fall 2021:

  • Math1b: Integration, Series and Differential Equations
  • Math21a: Multivariable Calculus


Boston University

Summer Courses: Teaching Seminar (Spring 2017):


The School of Molecular and Theoretical Biology is aimed for highschool students interested in science in general and specifically in Biology. Students combine small biology-realted projects with other free-topic courses. This is some material from past courses:

  • Easy Nets: an introduction to neural networks (2021). Intro to neural networks and convolutions through the basics of multivariate function calculus.
  • Topological Data Analysis in Python (2019). Topological understanding of persistent homology and applications in Python.
  • Fractals, Chaos and Dynamical Systems (2016). Walk through the basics of complex dynamics using Python. From discrete iterations to plots of Mandelbrot and Julia sets.